
Hi, my name is Sarah Song.

I was born in New York City but spent the majority of my life in the Los Angeles area. Currently, I live in Orange County while studying at ArtCenter College of Design.

As a student, I have had many opportunities to work with others. When collaborating, it is important to me that everyone has the chance to play to their strengths and have their voices heard. In a team, I strive for harmony and search for areas of agreement. Working through complex problems has been a big part of a lot of my projects, and being able to do that brings me a sense of calmness.

With my designs, I create objects that make people feel good, I believe that is one of the most powerful things that good design can do. I enjoy designing with colors. The nuances of colors can heavily impact the mood and emotion of design. Most importantly, I try my best to bring out a sense of joy and playfulness with all the projects that I work on. I am keen on the details and am often laser-focused on final execution.